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We keep you informed on community programs, events, education, and key health topics for North Carolinians.
Voting Information
Voter ID Cards
Photo ID is required to vote in NC.
(NC driver license, US passport, State ID, student ID, NC employee ID are still accepted forms of photo ID.)
Learn about Voter ID Cards here >
Or at the Durham County Library >
Voting Resources
Food Insecurity Research
Journal of American College Health
Published: Sept 19, 2023
Risk factors of food insecurity among students at diverse post-secondary education institutions: a cross-sectional examination
Read the full article online >
School Meals for All NC
No child should go hungry and every child in every public school in North Carolina should have access to breakfast and lunch at school at no cost to their families.
School Meals 101
In this webinar recorded on January 25, 2023, Alecia Sanders and Marianne Hedrick Weant with the North Carolina Alliance for Health break down school meals and their funding.
Learn more at:
Diabetes Resources
According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly 30% of people 65+ have diabetes. Proper management is essential because seniors are at the highest risk for disease complications, including. heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, eye problems, and nerve damage. provides information for seniors with diabetes and their caregivers on the risk factors associated with diabetes, senior living communities that provide diabetes management services, and financial resources.
Learn more at:
Mental Health
In NC, we serve Cumberland, Durham, Johnston, Mecklenburg, Orange and Wake counties to those who are insured by Medicaid or are uninsured. Our network of providers offers treatment and support for mental illness, substance use disorders, and intellectual/developmental disabilities.
Dial 988 to reach Lifeline 24/7. The Lifeline provides free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones.
NC Department of Health and Human Services
Multiple resources including hotlines, local crisis centers and Mobile Crisis Teams are readily available, including Crisis Solutions NC (800-510-9132).
Support & treatment for children and adults with behavioral disorders, mental illness, and substance abuse issues.
CPR Training: 4 Steps to Save a Life from Cardiac Arrest
Dr. Monique Starks, a Duke University Cardiologist, explains how to perform CPR and use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) to save a life. Watch the video >
Cancer Prevention & Screening
CHC provides educational and screening events for breast cancer and colorectal cancer.
Contact CHC at 919.470.8680 for more information.
Learn more about screenings and early detection:
Kidney Disease Screening
April 30, 2024 is the first ever APOL1-Mediated Kidney Disease (AMKD) Awareness Day!
Learn More at
In the United States, Black people are 4 times more likely to develop kidney failure than white people.
Tips for talking with your doctor about APOL1-mediated
kidney disease (AMKD).
Participate in the CARE Registry Program to get screened APOL1 gene-associated kidney disease and learn about a clinical trial for treatment.
Learn More at
Emergency Rental Assistance
NC Hope Program provides rent and utility assistance to low-income renters that are experiencing financial hardship due to the economic impacts of COVID-19. The program helps prevent evictions and utility disconnections to promote housing stability during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Apply now at
Call 888-9ASK-HOPE or 888-927-5467 to learn more.
Read more from Congressman David Price
Blood Pressure Education / Hypertension & Diabetes Self-Management Workshops
CHC provides educational events on:
how to monitor and manage these chronic conditions
exercise, diet, and stress management
how to perform CPR
Contact CHC at 919.470.8680 for more information.
Lincoln Community Health Center
Free blood pressure class!
First Tuesday of every month, 4:00 - 4:30pm
1301 Fayetteville St, Durham, NC 27707
Downstairs in Conference Room B
NC WISEWOMAN provides screening, intervention, counseling and referral services for low-income, underinsured, or uninsured 40- to 64-year-old women.
American Heart Association provides information on healthy living habits, managing blood pressure, learning CPR and more.
Cancer Education, Community Health Ambassador Training
A Free "Train the Trainer" Program
This program will educate and support culturally diverse community members and faith-based leaders on cancer education. Participants will have an increased knowledge of cancer prevention, screenings, and participation in clinical trials with the overall goal of reducing health inequalities in cancer.
For more information contact:
LaSonia Barnett
(919) 684-4056
Nadia Aguilera-Funez (Bilingual-Spanish)
(919) 668 8606
Broadband Internet Program
Eligible households can receive discounts of up to $50 a month for broadband service, and up to $75 a month if the household is on Tribal lands. It also will provide a one-time discount of up to $100 on a computer or tablet for eligible households.
Learn More:
Tobacco & Vaping Prevention
As the leading preventable cause of death in the US and NC, it is critical that we do more to confront tobacco use among adults and teenagers. Over 1.4 million adults and 70,000 high school students in NC smoke cigarettes, and over 14,000 North Carolinians die each year as a direct result of tobacco use, costing the state $3.81 billion in medical costs and $4.24 billion in lost productivity annually. The Community Health Coalition supports arresting these numbers and increasing statewide tobacco control programs that will save lives and ease the financial, medical, and personal burdens of tobacco on our state.
Tobacco Use and Lung Cancer Awareness and Prevention
Insurance Coverage of Tobacco Cessation
Quick Facts on the Risks of E-cigarettes for Kids, Teens, and Young Adults
Youth Against Smoking: An Educational Guide To Prevent And Reduce Substance Use and/or Abuse
North Carolina Association of Area Agencies on Aging
An Area Agency on Aging is a public or private non-profit agency designated by the North Carolina General Assembly to administer the Older Americans Act at the regional level per the 1973 amendment to the Older Americans Act. Having regional oversight of the programs and funding allows the state to be more responsive and to be better able to assess local needs and concerns.
See how Triangle J Area Agency on Aging (TJAAA) helped our community through the Covid-19 Outreach and Education grant >
Health Tips
CHC offers free healthy living tips in collaboration with our partners. They are distributed monthly to local health organizations, community leaders, and churches.
Dove's Black Birth Equity Fund
As part of Baby Dove’s commitment to helping close the gap in care and health outcomes for Black expecting mothers, birthing individuals, and their babies, Baby Dove is launching The Black Birth Equity Fund. The Fund will provide immediate care to expecting Black moms and birthing individuals by increasing access to doulas as critical supports in the birthing journey.
The application can be found here.
Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention
Learn the warning signs and treatments for alcoholism and binge drinking with these educational guides.
THE ABC’S: Alcoholism, Bingeing, and COVID-19
English PowerPoint / Spanish PowerPoint
ABC (Always Be in Control)
Learn more on how alcohol use can affect mental health, tobacco, vaping, and substance abuse.
Insulin Affordability
Resources are available for people with diabetes who need insulin and help understanding their healthcare and health insurance options:
JDRF’s T1D Health Insurance Guide
Contact your Senators TODAY to urge them to retain the $35 per month insulin co-pay cap and other important provisions for people with T1D. YOU CAN ACT ON THIS AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT!
Utility Assistance Program
Contact any of these resources to find out if you are eligible for the Utility Assistance Program, which helps low income individuals and families who have been impacted by COVID-19
Alliance Behavioral Health Care
800.510.9132, Open 24hrs, 7days a week
Catholic Charities
919.286.1964, 9am-5pm Mon - Fri
Durham Center for Senior Life
919.688.8247, 8:30am-5pm Mon - Fri
Housing Authority of Durham
919.683.1551, 8:30am-5pm Mon - Fri
Infinity Wellness Concepts
919.598.5000, Medical recipients only, 9am-5pm Mon-Fri
New Outlook for Second Chance Agency
919.682.4771, 8:30am-4pm Mon - Fri
NC Care Line
800.662.7030, 8am-5pm Mon - Fri
Presbyterian Urban Ministry
919.220.8757, 9:30am-12:30 Mon - Thurs
Greystone Baptist Church
919.286.3596, 9am-12:30pm Wed ONLY -
Healing With Care
919.683.5303, 10am-4pm Mon - Fri
Durham Department of Social Services Emergency 919.560.8000, Earlene Bullock, 8:30am-5pm Mon - Fri
El Centro
919.687.4635, 9am-5pm Mon - Fri
Salvation Army
919.688.7306, 8am-5pm Mon - Fri
White Rock Baptist Church
919.688.8136, 8:30am-5pm Mon - Thurs, 8:30am-2pm Fri
Video Gallery
Conversations with Community Health Coalition and community leaders about mental health, substance abuse, organ donation, end of life planning and other important health topics.