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AUGUST 19, 2024
Welcome Charles Clark to the CHC Community!
Charles Clark has joined Community Health Coalition as our new Executive Director/Resource Development Officer.
As we welcome Charles to CHC, we want to express our deepest gratitude to Dr. Ruth Gilliam Phillips for her dedication and service to the organization during her tenure as Executive Director. We are incredibly thankful for her contributions and wish her every success in her future endeavors.
Please join us in welcoming Charles to CHC and thanking Dr. Ruth for her service.
Voter Photo ID Card
Photo ID is required to vote in NC.
NC driver license, US passport, State ID, student ID, NC employee ID are still accepted forms of photo ID.
Learn more about Voter ID Cards here >
APOL1 Gene Kidney Disease
Participate in the CARE Registry Program to get screened and learn about a clinical trial for treatment.
Make a Donation
Help us achieve our community goal of Healthy People by 2030.
Learn more about Healthy People 2030, a national objective to improve health and well-being over the next decade.
Thank you to our generous grantors who are helping to improve the health of our community!
Past Grantors
BlueCross BlueShield NC
Duke-Cook Center on Social Equity
NC Society of Gastroenterology
Durham Congregation in Action
Giels Barclay See
Eurofins Founation
United Partners of Health
Triangle J. Council
Current Grantors
State of North Carolina
Duke-Charitable Grants
Food Lion
Triangle Capacity Building Foundation
The Center for Black Health Equity (School Meals for All)
The Forest at Duke
Durham County Department of Health
LTGTF Commission
NC Society of Gastroenterology